Chapter 13, the adjustment of debts for individuals with regular income (also known as wage earner plans), is available to individuals with regular income that have debt within certain jurisdictional limitations. Until recently this limit was $419,275.00 for unsecured debt, and $ 1,257,850.00 for secured debts (e.g. mortgages; auto loans).
Congress has amended the Bankruptcy Code to raise this jurisdictional limit to $ 2,750.00.00 for combined secured and unsecured debt. This means that if your total debt (including credit cards, medical, mortgages, car loans, etc.) is less than $2,750,000.00 you qualify to file a Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Case. We can use Chapter 13 to reinstate your mortgage and save your home from foreclosure, pay your credit cards, pay hospital/medical debt, and for other purposes.
Law Offices Of Todd S. Frankenthal helps its clients to handle debt and get a fresh financial start. It has offices in Fort Lauderdale, Boca Raton, and West Palm Beach.